How To Take Care Of Your Hair During The Rainy Season

How To Take Care Of Your Hair During The Rainy Season

Hair care

Ah, to drink that cup of steaming chai with some spicy samosas on the side while the rain trickles down the railing of your balcony! We love looking forward to the monsoon season because of all the cosiness it comes with. However, what we aren’t a fan of is all the hair problems that show up during this time.

The monsoon is one of the worst times for our hair because of all the moisture in the air. This excess moisture traps all the dirt on the hair. This dirt and pollutants sticking on the hair and scalp are a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. With increased humidity, your hair tends to look the worst with weak hair follicles, frizz, dullness and more. Because of all these reasons, you need a separate hair care routine that will help you figure out how to control hair fall during the rainy season. Here are all things you should be doing when the clouds set in.

  1. Avoid rainwater: Dancing in the rain is all fun and games until the acidity of rainwater starts messing with your hair texture. Even if you get drenched in the rain, you must take a shower immediately after to rinse off the acid and balance the pH of your hair. 
  1. Shampoo more frequently: Because of the moisture in the air, your hair will attract dirt and pollutants which will stay deposited on the scalp and hair if it isn’t washed off. Hence, wash your hair at least twice or thrice a week. Choose a shampoo with tea tree oil for hair that has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. A tea tree shampoo for hair fall will help get rid of dandruff-causing microbes and any build-up.
  1. Apply an organic hair oil: Since you will be washing your hair more often, there is also a chance of over-drying your hair and strip it off its natural oil. Hence, make it a point to oil your hair once or twice a week. Choose an organic oil for hair growth that has ingredients like neem, aloe vera, Brahmi, hibiscus, and other ingredients that can help keep the scalp free from microbial diseases. 
  1. Hot oil massage: For the organic hair oil to have its full effect, it is important to heat it and massage it thoroughly onto the scalp. A hot oil massage for hair growth will help improve blood circulation to the scalp which helps strengthen hair follicles. It also helps remove the deposits from the roots. Heat the oil using the double broiler method or get the Tru Heater which is designed to heat oil up to an optimum temperature of 65 degrees in under four minutes.
  1. Buy a chemical-free shampoo & conditioner: The last thing your hair needs in the monsoon season is more chemical deposits on the scalp which will disrupt the hair texture. Avoid this by choosing conditioner and shampoo for hair fall that are free from LLPs, parabens, sulphates and other harsh chemicals. Buy shampoo for hair fall and dandruff that carry ingredients to cleanse the scalp thoroughly without damaging it.
  1. Keep the hair dry: Since the humidity is high, it is best to keep your hair dry at all times. Remember that the hair is most fragile when wet. Excess moisture also makes the hair heavy and limp. After you wash your hair, dry it with a microfibre cloth or a soft t-shirt. Make use of water-proof hoodies, caps, scarfs, etc. to ensure that your hair is protected at all times.
  1. Shorter hair: If you have always wanted to give short hair a shot, now would be the best time to do it. It is much easier to manage shorter hair. It also reduces the chance of hair fall and breakage. If you don’t want to cut it short, try giving short hairstyles like buns, braids, high ponytails, etc. a try.
  1. Following a proper diet: Irrespective of the season, it is important to follow a nutritional diet so that your hair does not lack any proteins, vitamins or minerals. However, during monsoon, since your hair is at a higher risk of damage, it is even more important to pay special attention to that diet. If you are not sure about the kind of nutrients you are getting from the food you eat, it is always a good idea to get personalised supplements that’ll provide the hair with everything it lacks.
  1. Give it some extra care: Monsoon is a great time to introduce new hair care products like serums. Serums help target specific problems that you are facing. The extra dose of protection and repair control can be given from a protein serum for hair. Hair follicles are made of protein so a lack of it will affect hair growth. Using a protein serum for hair will coat it with keratin, making it stronger.

10.DIY hair masks: It is always good to pamper your hair with homemade hair masks. The best part about making hair masks by yourself is that you can choose the ingredients that work best for your hair. During monsoons, choose ingredients like lemon, neem, tea tree oil, turmeric, yoghurt, etc. that works best in keeping the scalp free from infections and bacteria. You could also buy an overnight hair mask for strong hair that carries a blend of ingredients like amla, Brahmi, sandalwood, henna, onion, bringaraj, aloe vera, etc.

With all these tips and hacks, you can go back to awaiting the monsoon for all the goodness it brings and not be worried about any hair problems. Rather than focusing on damage control post rainy season, you can follow these preventive measures and reduce the potential damage to your hair. Concerns like hair fall, dandruff, breakage, etc. caused by the monsoon needs to be treated appropriately.

Be monsoon ready with the products of Tru Hair. Tru Hair brings you the goodness of rare Ayurvedic ingredients that will get your hair prepared for monsoon and even repair any damage caused by the humidity. Get your hands on products that are free from LLP, parabens, sulphates, and other harmful chemicals to give your hair only the best.

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