5 examples Of Consistency in Writing An Online Article

Consistency is a deciding factor when you decide to dedicate your time to writing online. You know full well that optimization work SEO Search Engine Optimization passes from the good activity of web copywriting, and that you cannot think in terms of keyword density: old practices that no longer work. Or that they never worked.
In any case, it is a concept to be avoided. SEO copywriting, from my point of view, concerning the proper use of writing on the web. A universe that follows different rules than those of the printed word. You cannot write an article of the blog which displays information in reverse chronological order, with the latest …thinking about working on your novel or publishing a piece in a newspaper.
However, some steps must be respected in any case. I’m talking about consistency, a value that is found in online and offline texts. It always works to have a paper capable of giving continuity to the concepts, and on the web, this step develops in different ways. I have identified 5 that should be present.
The Topic Of This Post
- 1 Article topic and blog topic
- 2 Single content theme
- 3 Must title and H1 tags are the same or different?
- 4 Organize information in images
- 5 Consistency between title and public promises
- 6 Are you consistent in the world of online writing?
The topic of the article and topic of the blog
The first degree of coherence that you must always respect: the one between the central topic of your article and the topic of the blog. It often happens that the editorial calendar is perceived as particularly tight, for several reasons. Maybe you have created a vertical blog, based on a very specific topic and therefore difficult to develop over time and consistently.
Or you have discovered something: there is that topic that brings clicks and that is still so far from your topic, but you want to take advantage of this lever to increase the visits of the blog. A theme that always arouses interest.
In short, these reasons are valid. But is it worth the risk just to get a few more clicks? The consistency between what you write and why people have decided to follow you is important, not only to retain the public but also not to confuse Google. Do you want to be perceived as a professional?
This is a concrete goal. Focus on what you want to tackle, don’t let yourself be enchanted by the sirens of topics with interesting traffic volumes that risk sending your project off-topic.
Single content theme
One of the less obvious, but still important, mistakes concerns the blogger’s ability to center the topic through insurance content. To focus on online writing you must think in these terms: each article must be dedicated to a topic, each page must focus the energies to summarize what is needed.
It’s important to work on search intent, you need to understand what people want. Do you want to answer a dry question? The article will focus only on the text needed to give a definition.
And maybe it will have in-depth links to allow those who need it to go further. You don’t have to go off track just to have long content – it works in SEO terms but only when you need it.
Should title and H1 tags be the same or different?
An interesting aspect that is often rarely addressed: title and H1 tags, that is the title you insert in the Google meta tags and the one you use for the audience, must they be the same? What do the rules of SEO say?
As happens in these cases, there are various hypotheses and suggestions. What can be said for sure is that the title tag is one of the most important factors for ranking. And H1 influences the choices of the readers.
But is it better to have them the same or different? There has to be consistency. Plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast allow you to differentiate these strings, precisely because in this way you can make specific decisions and create title tags oriented to Google rules, and H1 tags to catch the eye. But there is always a need to maintain linearity between these elements. They may be different, but not different.
Organize information in images
Another interesting aspect, especially when working on image SEO optimization: consistency between alternative text and visual content. Often only the advice of a basic on-page optimization is taken into consideration: insert the most important keyword in the alt tag. But then? Try to describe what the image contains, don’t just add keywords without consistency and common sense.
Consistency between title and public promises
You cannot avoid this step: you have created a special title, but you have not taken into consideration the consistency that must exist between what you promise in the title and the offer you leave in the post. You can’t put the reader in trouble: if you leave signs in the title you have to make sure that people find what you anticipated. Otherwise, you risk obtaining catastrophic results in terms of branding
The title is a decisive step to have good results. How to create an experience worthy of the name? You have to inform, respect SEO rules, and focus on persuasion. Without inventing anything, without creating expectations that cannot be met. One word is enough to draw the audience’s attention without respecting your intellectual honesty. Better a few visits less but an audience always satisfied.
Are you consistent in the world of online writing?
These are the tips I want to give to anyone involved in online writing. You can’t avoid this step: you have to be consistent, you have to make sure that the information is always linear. What you write must be able to relate seamlessly to the promises you make. This is true in the title, but also in the choice of topics to be addressed in the editorial calendar. Do you agree? I leave the word to you.