Role Tape on Ha Young Park

An idea is a powerful thing. Of course, it’s only just an idea unless one has the skill and intelligence to know how and where to implement it. Ha Young Park is someone who has great ideas and understands their power but perhaps not in the manner or realm you might imagine. As the creator of the immensely popular “Tape Craft” series (TikTok), Ha Young wanted to create something positive with the theme of recycling and up-cycling. The entire series boasts over forty-million views, testifying to the concept that something as unexpected as tape art can amass a huge audience when presented in a manner that is both entertaining and informative. Ha Young professes, “DIY and crafting can be different and entertaining. People like to discover new ideas and unexpected outcomes from plain materials and see how they can be turned into something different and new.”
Labels are something which makes it more convenient for us to categorize but they are not always completely accurate. Digital creator or media content creator implies a specific idea but it doesn’t ideally encompass the entirety of what someone like Ha Young does. She is someone who has a passion for creating motion picture projects to post on the most popular social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok. In previous decades she might have gravitated towards traditional filmmaking or television but the future is in online productions. This also applies to the present and future audience. The creation of her “Tape Craft” series was fueled by the online interest in these types of videos while the conceptualizing and manifestation of the videos in this series emanated solely from Ms. Park’s own mind. If it’s possible to filter down the creations of Ha Young Park and categorize them, an apt title might be “tiny unique creations.” The conceptualizing of her videos and what she creates is quite the opposite of “tiny”, necessitating a huge amount of artistic thought. There’s also a signature style to the editing pace and way that she shoots her videos, making them easy to understand for the millions who wish to attempt to recreate her miniature objects and art pieces. From mini floral bouquets to abstract art pieces with moving parts, and more, these videos undeniably exhibit an inventiveness that is uncommon. Ha Young proclaims that the greatest challenge for her was, “To meet expectations for the next video was the most difficult part of video series. I had to make up a similar or better level of entertainment from the last video I posted. The expectations become greater and people can be disappointed when the most recent video it not up to the same level as the last one. I think that is one of the cons of making a themed video series.”
While the demands of topping herself in each successive video of this series may have been taxing, the results of her work are clearly positive. Other creators on YouTube and TikTok adopted this concept to re-make their own versions and it was successful overall as it resulted in increase in number of followers and thus raised Ha Young’s brand (account/channel) awareness. Ha Young saw her followers and likes which had totaled out at around 129,000 expand to an astounding 7,300,000 as a result of this series. Notable peer experts like (YouTuber with 1.3million followers) “@Juno Craft” and (TikToker with 2.5 million followers) “@nasta.sia7 shouted out her videos and confirmed Ms. Park’s respect and prestige among the online community. Various companies across the world contacted her with letters of support and opportunity. The outcome of this all is the continued creation of more videos by Ha Young Park which is a mutually beneficial process. Ha Young’s brand and style will endure, the public will be captivated by them, and commerce will flow; all because she saw an artistry in tape.
Writer : Winston Scott