5 Reasons Why Your Social Advertising Doesn’t Work

5 Reasons Why Your Social Advertising Doesn’t Work


Your marketer has a goal – to get leads (“hot” requests) from social media. The specialist launches advertising campaign, but for some reason there are no leads. Are you familiar with this situation? Then our tech branding agency presents TOP-5 reasons why your ads on Facebook and Instagram do not fulfill their direct function.


Lack of a clear understanding of what and how you are promoting is not a very good position for launching ads. Even at the testing stage, you need to understand the format, timing, budget of the advertising campaign. And, of course, the path of a potential client – from clicking on “Leave a request” to the purchase itself. First of all, you need a promotion strategy and a sales funnel. Otherwise, collecting leads doesn’t make sense.


When creating a Facebook ad, the first step is to choose the target of the ad. Facebook will suggest options itself; the main thing is to choose the right one.

Do you want your brand name to be heard? Then the goal of advertising is awareness and reach. Do you need to increase the number of likes under a post? Then it’s about engagement. And if you need hot leads – then launch ads with the goal of “Generating Leads” and collect applications! By launching ads, for example, for engagement, you will not be able to collect leads. If only because the application form will not be attached to the post, the purpose of which is engagement. But by checking the purpose of the ad at the start of creating an ad, you can save yourself not only from mistakes, but also from unnecessary spending in the budget.


Each product or service has its own target audience (TA). The main advantage of targeted advertising in social networks is its ability to precisely “hit the target”. Therefore, when determining the target audience of an ad, you can indicate the gender, age, location, interests of your potential client. Based on this data, the platform will show ads to those who might be interested in it and who are more likely to leave you a lead. Forgetting about this seemingly obvious rule, you risk not reaching your client – he may simply not see you.


There are lead forms that you want to close after the first incomprehensible question. Or forms with an endless number of fields that you get tired of filling out. Such lead forms not only do not attract the client, they can scare him away!

A correctly posed question is the key to obtaining the necessary information. An incomprehensible question is the reason for the loss of most of the potential contacts. Therefore, when drawing up a lead form, it is important to ask questions in such a way that they are as clear and concise as possible.

It’s also important to remember that a lead form is designed to collect key customer information. Details can always be clarified at the stage of lead processing – for this, there must be an item in the form to indicate the contact number.


Content quality is one of the most popular topics in the Internet space. But, alas, this fact does not make all texts of high quality and effective in terms of sales.

The content should capture and present the essence of the proposal. This applies to both the text part and the visual design. Make sure that the information in the text is presented in a competent and understandable language, and the visual design does not evoke ambiguous feelings. And all together – the content and the lead form – call for specific action to fill out the form.

The list of reasons presented is not exhaustive. But it is these TOP-5 reasons that are most often encountered when specialists from the marketing agency MGN perform an analysis of the effectiveness of advertising.

To audit online advertising, we recommend that you contact only competent marketers. Read additional article about business matchmaking to learn even more!

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