Pros And Cons Of Mechanical Water Flow Meter

Pros And Cons Of Mechanical Water Flow Meter

Mechanical Water Flow Meter

When it comes to measuring the flow of water flowing inside the pipes, the use of flow meters takes place. These meters are available mainly in two types such as mechanical and digital. Mechanical water flow meters are in considerable use by most industries. These meters are usually constructed and designed with impellers. When the liquid passes through the meter, the impeller rotates with the flow. Therefore, it is used to measure the volumetric flow of water. These meters are available in various sizes and require proper water flow for precise measurements. However, they have specific pros and cons that are covered in this post below.

Pros of mechanical water flow meter

Reliability and accuracy

In most industries, the application of these meters is extensive. This is due to a specific reason, and you can say the feature of these meters. They are reliable and accurate for measuring the flow rate of water. They are equipped with rotators that work along with the liquid flow. So, the flow rate measured depends upon the speed of the water. Thus, the meters provide accurate measuring results.

Inexpensive use

The use of water flow meters that use mechanical force is comparatively lesser than electronic meters, and hence these meters do not require an outside power source to work. So, the operational cost of these meters is low, and they are also inexpensive to install initially and work enduringly as well.

Little to no in-line maintenance

These meters are easy to install permanently in a process line, so they require less maintenance. As compared to insertion flow meters, these meters are less likely to discover problems.

Cons of mechanical water flow meter

Frequent testing require

These meters come with moving parts that are more prone to damage. However, they could damage due to several factors. So, there is a strict need to test these meters before use for accurate results. Improper testing on a regular basis could lead to the inaccurate working of meters.

Prone to wear

Water flow meters with mechanical force could lead to wear due to silty water. The water that has a clay-like substance could obstruct the working of these meters. So, they can produce imprecise flow measurement results. It is necessary to check these meters for proper maintenance regularly. Else, there might be a need raised for the replacement of the internal parts or the entire flow meter.

Little service span

As you know that mechanical flow metering devices have moving parts. So, these devices are more prone to damage compared to digital devices. They could lead to faulty operation after a certain period of time. However, the life of a mechanical device solely depends upon the type of fluid. If you use this meter to measure the flow rate for clean water, it can work longer. But, if the water is slurry or has an acidic substance, it may lead to damage. This is one of the major cons that you can discover in these meters.

Hindered water movement

In a mechanical water flow meter, chances of hindered water movement are slighter high. These meters could lead to heat loss which is a reduction in the water flow due to friction. It is a measure of the reduction in the total flow of water flowing in the pipes. It could also lead to inaccuracy for flow rate measurement.

The Final Thoughts

As you see, mechanical water flow meters have possible advantages and disadvantages. So, it is important to get these flow measuring devices from a reputable supplier. You must acknowledge that the device has been properly built to deliver accurate and expected outcomes.

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