Is It Possible To Make Money With A Blog?

Is It Possible To Make Money With A Blog?

Make Money With A Blog?

The doubt of many people Blog: how to choose a web marketing course? Indeed, how to choose a great course. How to find that training appointment capable of making a difference. Because the truth is this: you can find almost anything on the subject. It is not the quantity that is missing, and this is often the problem: you do not know which is the right solution for you.

Just do a little Google search to find dozens of companies to become a web marketing consultant: SEO, copywriter, digital strategist, social media manager. Some courses offer a general perspective, dedicated to those taking their first steps.

All this has a cost, it seems fair to me. Training is a valuable asset, an element that can make a difference in an individual’s professional life. Of course, studying is not enough: you have to put into practice what you learn, you have to gain experience in the field. You have to experiment and get your hands dirty. But choosing a web marketing course means creating a foundation on which to build a possible future.

You must be aware of the fact that there is no joking here. Working in the world of the web does not mean making money online without daily commitment, maybe putting some banners. The announcement consists of an image (.jpg, .png, .gif) or an object … Adsense. No, it doesn’t work like that. You have to learn a lot and well. Here are some tips for choosing a web marketing course.

The Topic Of This Post

  • 1 Assess your skills
  • 2 Start with a reasoned research
  • 3 Look for opinions online
  • 4 What you get from the course
  • 5 Online presence is important
  • 6 Are there any channels to leave questions?
  • 7 How to choose a web marketing course?

Evaluate your skills

The first point to consider does not concern supply but demand. You have to evaluate your skills, you cannot choose without having clarified what you need. Do you start from scratch? Perhaps you need an introductory course, a master’s that will help you understand the very concept of web marketing and all the developments in the sector.

It is not easy to have a clear idea, at first, it all seems easy and immediate. Only when you sink into the complexity of the sector, perhaps thanks to an internship, do you realize that until now you have only seen the final result. The output of a very complicated process that needs a lot of attention.

There are many events related to web marketing, but there are two categories: generic and dedicated. The former introduces the subject, makes an overview, and is ideal for beginners. The others, on the other hand, focus on a specific aspect – for example, SEO or email marketing – and are designed for those who already have basic experience.

Start with a reasoned research

It all starts with a search on Google and on social networks, especially Twitter and Facebook. Just type in the words that interest you to get plenty of answers. At this stage it is difficult to choose a web marketing course, you just have to create a list of resources that could be right for you.

Here’s a solution: Create a spreadsheet or mind map and start tidying up. Identify institutes, agencies, and freelancers who train in this field and attribute values. For example:

  • Do they only take courses offline or also online?
  • Do they work all over Italy or do you have to move?
  • Do they focus on just one topic or do they define different paths?
  • Is there always the same speaker or do they use different skills?
  • Do they have a structure behind them to help stay and travel?

These items are decisive for the choice. A reality that organizes structured courses and involves different teachers may have more possibilities, precisely because it entrusts each figure with a field. The same goes for the geographical issue: if I have to move there are also the costs of the train and the hotel, so if you organize a course close to home it is an added advantage.

Look for opinions online

You did your Google search and found several candidates. But you are still not convinced, you want to refine the list. My advice: focus on reviews, on the voice of those who have already attended an event. You can do it in two ways, both of which are decisive for a good search.

  • Searching on Google for “opinions + company name”.
  • Tracking down alumni who have completed their training.

On social channels there are usually traces of those who have already attended a course, maybe you can leave a call on your channels to get opinions from those who follow you. You can do the same thing in forums or communities as well. This is the procedure to follow: use the social web to obtain data. Without taking every rumor at face value. Both positively and negatively, any opinion can be tainted by interests or impressions.

Also, take into consideration the testimonials that the agency has probably left on the reference page of the course. Look for these names, check the real existence of these people. Maybe contact them for genuine feedback.

What you get from the course

The first aspect is clear: you have to evaluate the curriculum. Check out the main page and peruse the list of lessons. Make sure the topics are up to date, and if you don’t have the skills to do so, you can ask a few friends to go through the document for you.

These are also important details: what awaits you beyond the classroom? Do you have a target group to ask for explanations or escaped details? Maybe there is a video recording of the course, or maybe free access to a premium area. The materials: are there slides? And some extra documents? Is there also a valid certificate of participation? This too makes a difference.

Online presence is important

After an evaluation of what could be the opinions of those who have touched the quality of the service, you can take a look at the online activity of those who offer it. And of the respective teachers. Is there a person involved in social media marketing? Let’s see what his daily work is if he has a blog. The same goes for SEO or blogging. This won’t make a difference, but having more information doesn’t hurt.

Are there any channels to leave questions?

After the training comes the time to practice. You learned a lot in the classroom, now you want to work on a concrete project. You got a job right away, and that’s good, or you’re still as an intern. Third option: you have your project to carry out, waiting for better contacts. Either way, you want to take action.

Something is not right though. In the classroom, the teacher said something that you don’t find in reality. Or you come across a situation that hasn’t been addressed. It happens, you can’t have all the knowledge of the web in a 16-hour course. However, the speakers could be available and answer questions that come from alumni. How? Maybe through forums or private groups on social media.

The ways to solve this point abound, if the training school has a good structure it can make available what in inbound marketing is defined as the step to delight the customer after the sale. This is how we move to the status of ambassador: continuing the virtuous relationship.

How to choose a web marketing course?

Always current question, but above all capable of engaging each of us in a profound reflection: choosing a web marketing course? These are my opinions, my timeless references. For me, training must have these solutions. You must respect these points. Do you have anything else to add? In your opinion, what should be considered when looking for a course? I’ll wait for you in the comments.

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