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12 Step Guide To Home Furnishing eCommerce

12 Step Guide To Home Furnishing eCommerce

Home Furnishing eCommerce

Digital media has boosted every business presence, but the thing is you do it right? The chief thing that is needed today is having an online presence. For any business, an online presence is required, and that can be possible if there is an interesting website design that can motivate businesses to be in this field. Well, this guide is all about steps that will assist the retailers in building a successful online website for home furnishings eCommerce.

1. Technical Foundation Must Be Care of

It is essential to opt for the right technology platform for powering your home furnishings eCommerce Website.

a. Integration to retail: For improving customer experience, managing inventory, as well as customers with multi-channel marketing, is crucial. This can be done with a unified commerce solution that acts as a game-changer in digital shopping.

b. Managing uptime and upgrades: It can be achieved with hosting for eCommerce cloud-based solutions.

c. Custom code vs. design templates: It allows you to choose the pre-defined templates which in turn let you adjust the photography, colours, and text.

2. Design Is the Key

Design is really very important. Visitors only take almost 3-5 seconds to decide whether they stay on a particular website or not. So it is significant to check out:-

• Layout: How does it look?

• Colors: What colours should be incorporated?

• Design: What design is followed?

• Themes: Which theme is opted for?

This is done in order to provide a seamless shopping experience.

3. Navigation

Navigation is another crucial thing that to be considered while home-furnishing eCommerce.

Planning a UX-based navigation bar, and then simply organizing specific categories like kitchen, bedroom, and living room. For this, this drop-down menu can be used. If the proper strategy of UI/UX is implemented then more buyers will be gained. Easy navigation allows the customers to buy more and more. Also, this will enhance exploring more categories.

4. Merchandising

If a consumer’s real-time browsing and search preferences are taken care of, then retailers can showcase them various product recommendations as per their choice. Top merchandising tips:-

• Displaying the recommended products.

• Showcasing “Customers Who Bought This Item”

• Deals of the weeks

• Featured Products

• Popular products

• Recommended products

• Products just for you.

5. Payment Processing

A payment gateway is an eCommerce service that processes credit card payments for the brick and clicks model. They fulfill a vital role in the Omnichannel eCommerce transaction process, authorizing the payment between merchant and customer.

Payment Integration: If there is an integration of the retailer’s payment gateway, then customers don’t have to leave their sites to add their payment data and make their purchase complete. It brings a great checkout experience.

Security: For the acceptance of online payment, it is necessary to facilitate secure communication and transaction.

Financing: Many customers feel difficulty in affording a furniture purchase with full payment and require access to credit for making the purchase.

Fees: Every credit card is different and its processor has some specific fees.

6. Shipping

Shipping is important when there is an online business. Developing a successful shipping strategy won’t do any harm. For this, it is necessary to recognize the shipping and delivery options that suit your business strategy.

There are various shipping options which include:-

• Free Shipping: Very popular

• Flat rate shipping. Best for those businesses who sell similar-sized items.

• In-store pickup.

• Reduced shipping: Shipping rates are comparatively less.

7. Digital Marketing

After the technical foundation of your channel is done, then you need to emphasize digital marketing tactics.

• Content Marketing: Make sure that the content should be informative. It should educate people. It includes room planners, in-depth guides, etc.

• Email Marketing: The versatile yet powerful; method of marketing. In this, retailers can segment their email lists and delivery times to assure when the messages will be delivered.

• Social media: – For building brand awareness, social media is playing a critical role. Almost ten years ago, people were using social media for entertainment purposes but now they are considering social media for their eCommerce business. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are few popular social media platforms that are used for social media marketing. One can promote their products on various social media platforms so that people can make purchases from social handles as well.

8. SEO

The tactics which are deployed for increasing the number for getting good rankings in SERP is called SEO.

Fundamental elements in SEO include:

• Informative Content

• Easy to understand and readable Text

• Title Tags

• Simple URL Structure

• Meta Descriptions

• Description of the product via ALT Image Tags

• Keywords according to customer perspective

• Link building

• Proper usage of hashtags

9. Measure & Analyze


For analyzing the metrics via reporting on the platforms with Google Analytics, really helps.

Tracking metrics is important as:-

• Helpful in making informed business decisions

• Consistency in performance accountability

• Focus on USP

• It allows us to know how many new people have visited the store.

• Informative insights for better performance.

10. Conversion

There should be some rules to have easy conversion in the eCommerce business. For this, follow these steps:-

• Make it simple and easy.

• Mitigate steps.

• Allow auto-fill options.

• Order confirmation

Also Read: What Are the Benefits of Moving Email to the Cloud

11. Customer Management

A good eCommerce store website must have a customer dashboard for creating, viewing, and managing their accounts.

It can improve sales rates and help in building better customer relationships. This allows customers to open their accounts, check delivery status, payment, shipping, and many other things.

12. Reviews

Positive customer experiences are really valuable for eCommerce businesses. If there is a positive review, then without having second thoughts, customers purchase the thing quickly.

• It helps in increasing sales as reviews allow customers to eliminate doubts.

• Reviews give brand recognition.

• Positive promotion.

• Increases domain authority.

• People love word of mouth, so provide them with good products, so that they write well.

Final Thoughts

Well, this is all about the 12 Step Guide to Home Furnishings eCommerce. Designing an eCommerce website for home furnishing is very easy if the above-mentioned points are taken care of. Are you seeking services in Dubai contact us today?

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