Know About 6 Different Types of Apartments Fore Buying or Moving

Know About 6 Different Types of Apartments Fore Buying or Moving

of lafayette louisiana apartments

Moving to a new apartment can be either exciting or troublesome- There is no in-between. It is quite exciting for those who are going to be first-time renters. Moving out from their parental home and having a space of their own can be quite exhilarating to them while on the other hand people who like to settle down in a place for once and all may find moving out to a new apartment hectic.  

Whatever may be the reason apartment hunting depends on the following factors:

  • Price range
  • Location of the apartment 
  • Storage space
  • The layout of the apartment
  • Vicinity of the apartment 

Based on these factors there are several types of apartments. You will surely be able to identify what suits your needs and fits in your budget once you get to know all the types. Here is a list of different types of apartments:

1. Studio apartments

A studio apartment is one of the most common types of apartments that has an open floor plan and consists of a single room. The layout of the studio apartment is such that it combines the bedroom, the living room, and the kitchen all in a large spacious room. You can imagine it as an open space with dedicated corners for each room. Studio apartments are suitable if you are new to the city and do not want to share your space with anyone. Studio apartments can also be modified to alcove studio and convertible studio apartments. 

2. Alcove studio apartments

Alcove studio apartments are generally the same as a studio apartment but it has a L shaped partition between the living room and the bedroom. Basically this partition provides more privacy than a normal studio apartment.

3. Convertible studio apartments

A convertible studio apartment as a generally larger floor area than the normal studio apartments. the larger area can be divided to make a complete bedroom. 

Also, the large area can be used to create a secondary space in your apartment. This apartment is also known as convertible two bedroom flex.

4. Micro apartments

Micro apartments are tiny apartments. They have a floor area of generally 350 to 400 square feet and have only a single bedroom. The apartment contains a common area, a bathroom, and kitchen in addition to the bedroom. Micro apartments are generally popular in congested areas where there is a large demand for rental spaces and the prices are also high even for small spaces. 

5. Duplex and triplex apartments

A two unit multi family residential dwelling in a building is known as duplex. Likewise, a triplex is a residential dwelling with three apartment units. These spaces are generally very big to accommodate large families. The apartment units are identical and may have living spaces upstairs as well as downstairs. 

6. Co-op apartment

Cooperative housing apartment or generally known as Co-op is the type of apartment where the ownership of the property is divided among individuals. In a co-op living arrangement the owners have divided responsibilities. For example, the mortgage payments may be divided equally or as per the mutual agreement among the owners. To pay off their mortgage some owners rent out their properties. 

In addition to these apartments there are garden apartments, mid-rise, high-rise, low-rise, and railroad apartments. All these apartments are as per the specific requirements of the apartment dweller. You will find different varieties of apartments. click here to check out these apartments and select the best one for you.

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