5 Key Components of a Highly Converting Landing Page

5 Key Components of a Highly Converting Landing Page

landing page

Your online presence will have a large conversion rate or poor it all depends on your website’s landing page. You might have taken a lot of efforts for creating website content.

However, you might have ensured that your website landing page looks more appealing and effective at the same time so that you can have more conversion rates.

Literally, it does not matter whether you are providing paid products, paid courses, video content, or blog content. The fact that matters a lot is how you have created your landing page to get maximum conversions.

In this article, we will list out some most important components that are required for creating the best landing page.

What does the landing page mean?

A landing page is the very first page that is viewable when visitors land on your website. A landing page is used to offer your services and products, encourage your users to sign up for the newsletter also it is included with some other promotion tasks.

The landing page is mainly used for

  • Gathering information for marketing
  • Promoting services and products.
  • Offer free trials
  • Service and product sales

Landing pages are usually meant for getting user input such as emails, contact details, first name, company name, last name, the list of services your visitors are looking for, and so on.

The pages having contact for subscription form have more chances of converting your website’s visitors into paying customers.

Some points are listed below that will help you to set up an astonishing landing page without struggling.

1. Captivating Header

It is very important that your landing page should have a header that highlights it because your landing page behaves as an ad. The header is the very first thing that your visitors will be able to see. However, it is crucial to design it beautifully and clean to get their attention.

While creating a header make sure you are able to convey that what you want and what is the stuff that you are offering.

2. Vibrant do works

It is true that the human eye loves bright colors. After some research, we get to know that people give feedback or reply to well-balanced color schemes and vibrant colors. Most of the time vibrant colors are also used to get your visitors’ emotions out.

On the internet, you will find so many examples where dark colors such as brown and black color have been used. As well as these two colors are paired with some gold color which makes your product more attractive.

You can replace the gold color with any other color that is present on the logo, button, and headers. This will help you to get more users attracted to your ads.

3. Media is important

It is OK to not have a video on your landing page but it is crucial to have images on it.

Images are one of the best component or an aspect that drive more user attention to your  pages created by free landing page WordPress theme. Make sure the images you choose go well with the message and color scheme of your landing page.

The major motto of creating an impressive landing page is to suit your website’s theme and color with the right images. On the web, you will find so many free stock photos which have high quality. Some of the best sources to get free stock images are shutterstock, Unsplash, pexels, picabay, and so on.

4. Less is more

It is good to have less but sufficient number of images, videos, text, animations, buttons, etc. One of the major rules in writing, marketing, and programming is that less is more.

That means it is good to have less content on your website but it must be fresh, authentic, and trustworthy.

You will have to follow this rule from the beginning to the end of website creating.

Make sure the tag lines and motto should be straightforward so that your website visitors are able to understand your thoughts and the goal of website creation.

Laying on such practice will make sure your visitors are able to connect with you.

5. Social Proof

In most cases, people are not able to trust small startups or new companies. This is the time when social proofs help them to build trust among them. Social proof will also behave as small testimonials where your past clients and customers will be sharing their views on working with you. You can showcase such feedback as social proof on your landing page.

One of the best way to ensure you have created best landing pages by considering all these points is that you can create a landing page using free WordPress themes.


If you want to ensure that your visitors are able to arrive on the landing page then you must follow the golden rules mentioned above while creating a landing page.

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